Be curious and open - Edge Employment Solutions
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Be curious and open

“Be willing to meet them where they are, be curious and open to their lived experience. Compassion and understanding are a must.”

That is Eloise’s advice to any employer out there looking to hire unfamiliar staff. Eloise’s story is one of success, but it wasn’t an easy, straight-forward path; there were plenty of turns and twists along the way.

Eloise first came to Edge in 2017 as an undergraduate in Biochemistry, but looking for work wasn’t initially her main goal as she was a part-time carer for her grandmother at the time. “I started looking for work in February 2020 and was eager to re-enter the workforce,” says Eloise. But then another twist, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eloise re-engaged with Edge again in 2021, ready to take the next step on her employment journey. Working with her Edge Employer Consultant and armed with a ‘can do’ attitude, it wasn’t long until Eloise secured a position at Synergy as an Administration Officer.

A couple of years later, Eloise is still thriving at Synergy and has moved into a Compliance and Quality Assurance role.

She cannot speak highly enough of her employer, “Synergy is a very supportive workplace, and they are absolutely proactive about diversity and inclusion.”

Eloise states that she is on the All-Abilities Employees Reference Group at Synergy and remains engaged with the Diversity and Inclusion Team. These things are important for both Eloise and Synergy, who are setting a high standard for what a workplace should look like.

This employment opportunity has had a profoundly positive impact on Eloise, “The financial freedom to explore specialist medical treatments, which I was unable to do before due to costs, has had a significant positive impact to my mental and physical health.”

Edge is excited to be with you on this journey Eloise.

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