We're in it together for the long haul - Edge Employment Solutions
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We’re in it together for the long haul

Our support is on offer, as long as it’s needed.

Here at Edge, we pride ourselves on providing ongoing support for our clients and their employers for as long as they require it. It’s what makes us different, and it’s what makes the difference in our clients not only finding jobs, but keeping them!

There is no better example of this than David and Kylie, both of whom we have been supporting for 30 years. For 20 of those years, they have both been employed at John XXIII College.

David is a Grounds Maintenance Assistant and is pictured right receiving his 20-year service award from John XXIII’s Principal Robert Henderson at a recent school assembly. Kylie (pictured below) also achieved her 20-year service award and has maintained her employment through her love for her job and the regular site visits she receives from her Job Coach Amy.

Kylie shaking Robert's hand on stage after receiving his awardRegardless of people’s abilities, it is a huge achievement to maintain employment with one employer for 20 years. According to the Department of Education, the average job tenure in Australia is just 3 years and 4 months! In fact, people with disability often stay in their jobs longer than other employees.

Without building a strong partnership with a supportive employer like John XXIII, access to ongoing support from dedicated Job Coaches like Amy and the hard-working attitudes of both David and Kylie, this would not have been possible!

Congratulations to all involved! We are so very proud of your achievements and teamwork.

If you want to learn more about how Edge can help you, please contact us.

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