Cultivating independence through passion
After a brainstorming session to discover possible career possibilities for Julyanne (July), a keen garden enthusiast, a new idea was born – Bert’s Upcycled Garden Nursery, her own garden nursery business!
July is supported in her self-employment journey by her Edge NDIS Employment Support Coach Janette. “I could not have got my business to where it is given the physical and psychological support I have needed, and this has only been possible from the support of Edge as well as my other supports.”
The business is named after her father, who loved all things upcycled, which inspired the selling of upcycled items alongside the variety of plants she sells. “My hobby business gives me a focus and something to do which I enjoy. It has provided me with flexibility in my life and to use my home by developing growing areas for different plants and to earn money which has contributed to me going to Bali for a holiday.”
Self-employment has been fantastic for July as she stated, “I had challenges in gaining suitable employment with a vision impairment and other medical conditions. I needed flexibility and diversification to identify alternative options.”
“My passion for gardening was discussed with Edge and became a pathway to running my own home hobby garden nursery business last year. This not only allows me to work in my happy place but gives me flexibility in when and how tasks are undertaken.”
Through her NDIS plan, July receives Finding and Keeping a Job Support from Janette. “Janette is happy to have a laugh, is funny, friendly, and has similar interests to me. The match from Edge with Janette has been integral in making the business what it is today and I don’t feel I would have achieved what I have if the support wasn’t so well matched.”
It has been a pleasure supporting July on her journey to self-employment and we look forward to seeing her business continue to progress.