Formula for success - Edge Employment Solutions
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Formula for success

“Don’t give up as there is always something for someone and there are employers out there who will support and encourage you.”

Stephanie has been working for ALS Global for over nine years and has worked her way up to Senior Organic Chemist. Employment has meant a lot to Stephanie. “It’s given me financial freedom and the ability to buy a house and afford to pay a mortgage. This has led to independence – being able to pay my own bills and have flexibility in spending how and when I need.

The team at Edge were very welcoming and supportive from the very beginning. They have made me feel empowered and valued as an individual.”

Stephanie wearing safety glasses and a blue lab coat while she smiles in a door way. She is holding the door open.Edge has continued to support Stephanie on her employment journey. “They have always been a sounding board for me whenever I have not felt in the right head space or need support or advice. They assisted with securing a 9-day fortnight and this has increased my productivity and performance at work which has been a high for me and has also been noticed by management and staff.

To other employers I say look at what an individual has to offer instead of what they don’t, as this will always make someone feel motivated and encouraged.”

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